Today, is a special day for me because it is the first time that I feel a part of something... I became a citizen of this county a couple of years ago (although I have lived here since I was a kid) and this is the first time that I am actually a part of the elections. For many this is common, but for me, it's a privilege! Are we perfect? Not even close, but we are great!
Regardless of your beliefs and political views, lets just be grateful to live in such an amazing country that provides us with so many extraordinary blessings daily!! So, today, regardless of who or what you believe in, lets unite in gratitude for being a part of the greatest nation in the world!
Lets hope and pray that whoever takes on this task, takes us to an even better place than we are now.
I am Cami Diaz and I appoved this message :)
Hope you are having a great week!!